We have compiled some of the most common questions that our clients have asked us in the past. If you have any other questions that are not answered here, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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A: Website management refers to the process of maintaining and updating a website to ensure that it is always up-to-date and functioning properly. This includes tasks such as software updates, content updates, security monitoring, and performance optimisation.
A: We offer a range of retainer plans for websites of various sizes and types that include everything from content updates to search engine optimisation. You can find a more detailed list here.
A: The cost of website management varies depending on the type of website. We offer three different retainer plans here that are tailored to common needs and budgets. Contact us for a custom quote based on your specific needs.
Our plans are primarily based on time and effort, so each plan has a different level of effort specified. Some of the more advanced services like SEO cannot be included in basic plans because even the minimum actions would not “fit”.
A: We use a range of tools and techniques to ensure website security, including regular software updates, security scans, backups, and SSL certificates. We also provide ongoing monitoring and support to address any security issues that may arise.
A: Yes, we offer website design services separate from our website management plans. Our designers will work with you to create a website that meets your needs and reflects your brand
A: Website optimisation refers to the process of improving the performance of a website. This includes tasks such as improving page load times, optimizing images and videos, and improving website structure and navigation. Our website management plans include website optimisation services.
A: Contact us to discuss your website management needs and goals. We will work with you to determine the best package for your needs or provide a custom quote based on your specific requirements.
A: At GroundStation, we submit a regular invoice at the start of each month for a set amount of effort (time) to be available depending on the needs of each organisation. Paying monthly in advance means we avoid the need for long term contracts.
A: Yes, we do! However, it does depend heavily on the industry and the products & services you are offering. We will only commit to providing SEO if there is a genuine opportunity. Contact us to have a chat.
A: Absolutely! We build new websites all the time. Contact us for a quote.
A: The key to success in Social Media is being authentic. People can tell when it’s not “real”. For this reason, we highly recommend people do their own social media posting.